• Find the best mountain bike routes Morocco

    Mountain Bike Morocco


Impressive routes for our Mountain Bike in the High and Middle Moroccan Atlas


Adventure sports

Expeditions and trips



Taghia Gorge,and the M’Goun mountain (the second highest peak of Morocco), Todra and Dades Gorges, Ali Towers in the Saghro Mountain Range

Morocco, a nearby paradise where we can enjoy the pleasure of traveling with our bicycle. The mountains of the Middle and High Atlas, as well as Saghro Mountain range, offer us plenty of trails, paths and single tracks. You will be riding through a country with spectaculars landscapes, through Berber villages, and experience their hospitable inhabitants and culture.

Our trips lasts approximately between 6 and 8 days and are designed to be rideable in some 90 – 100%.

Impressive valleys and summits, rivers and Berber villages are awaiting us in this exciting journey. You will experience the Berber hospitality, their culture of tea, their way of resting and spending time.

We have highly qualified guides who know the area and the routes perfectly.

Complete logistical equipment (satellite telephone, first aid kits, support vehicle …), fully equipped campsites and external support of local guides.

All this for your safety.


Desde 600€/Person

Mountain Bike Morocco in Meddium and High Atlas


From March to May 2017



  • Pick up of the participants in the Marrakech airport and transfer to the hotel. Presentation of the program, preparation of the equipment and bicycles.
  • Meals: Dinner.

Ahanesal River (1.153 m) – Anergui (1.527 m) - 35 kms

  • 35 kms
  • In the morning, we will be driven to the starting point of our route, in this case to the hostel of La Cathedral. After the lunch, we go on our bikes and start the first stage, which is usually short because of the previous transport to the starting point. We arrive to the village of Anergui, where we will stay at the hostel.
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

Anergui – Imilchil (2.174 m) - 69 kms

  • 69 kms
  • Hard stage due to the climbs we have ahead. Possibly one of the queen´s stages and the most beautiful stage, thanks to the isolation of the places that we will be riding through. We will be overcoming several mountain passes of more than 2.200 meters above the sea level.
  • We arrive to Imilchil where we will stay for the following night in a local hostel.
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

Imilchil – Imilchil / Bouzmou (2.272 m) - 27 / 37 kms

  • 27 / 37 kms
  • Today we take it easy and do a circular route around the lakes Tilsit and Isli. It is a relaxation stage, to enjoy the landscape. Once back in Imilchil, we can either stay another night in the same place or continue 10 kms to Bouzmou, and thus shorten the next day stage.
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

Imilchil / Bouzmou – Gargantas del Todra (1.580 m) - 89 kms

  • 89 kms
  • Today we climb up to the pass of Tizi Tirherhouzi; once up there, the change of the scenery and temperature will be impressive. After recovering from the climb, we ride down into the Todra Gorge. Groups of nomads and merchants who are crossing the region will accompany us through this inhospitable landscape.
  • Tonight we get a good night rest in the hotel in Todra.
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

Gargantas del Todra – Ali Towers (1.389 m) - 96 kms

  • 96 kms
  • Measured in kilometres, today is the longest day of the week: we ride almost 100 kms on our mountain bikes in this solitary route. The Middle Atlas stays behind us and we enter in the Saghro Range, a mountain of a spectacular beauty with little vegetation and small oases. After the Tizi’n Tazzazert we arrive to the “Towers Ali”, basalt mountains, and there we stay in the local hostel.
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

Ali Towers – Nekob (1.067 m) – Agdz - 26 kms

  • 26 kms
  • Slowly we are entering into more populated areas: cultivation fields as well as local people begin to appear. After leaving Tower Ali, we will deal with a climb, about 3 kilometres long, and then we start to see the village of Nekob on the horizon. From here, the rest of the itinerary will be a downhill from this huge plateau.
  • We arrive to Nekob where a vehicle that will take us to Agdz, a cozy town of the valley of Draa, awaits us.
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.
  • After having breakfast and enjoying the morning in such a special place like Agdz, we return to Marrakech. Accommodation in the hotel – Riad on the square.
  • Free afternoon. Farewell dinner.
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

 *Example of PROGRAM (Consult us more routes)


  • Transfer from Marrakech to the starting point of the trip .
  • Transport during the program.
  • Accommodation.
  • The meals indicated in the program are included.
  • Qualified professional Instructors.
  • Spanish / English / German speaking Guides.
  • Logistics of the expedition.
  • All necessary equipment
  • Assistance insurance.
  • International flight to Morocco.
  • Bicycle rental (*Consult with Sulayr Aventura for such option).
  • Drinks.
  • Any other service not specified in the previous section.
  • Bicycle in perfect condition. *Possibility to rent the bike in Marrakech. Consult Sulayr Aventura in advance.
  • Technical clothing for mountain bike, both for warm and cold weather (helmet, cycling shoes, cycling shorts…), technical clothing, fleece jacket, sport pants and waterproof jacket, sport shoes or trekking shoes, sandals, cap, gloves, sunglasses, sunscreen, bottle for the water).
  • Middle Size Bike Packing Bags and Zip Pullers or Straps for bike luggage.
  • Spare parts (inner tube, brake pads…) and tools.
  • Sleeping bag for High Mountain (minimum 3 seasons), headlamp / flashlight, backpack, personal First Aid Kit.
  • Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any doubts or questions.
  • * If you do not have any material that we recommend to bring, consult Sulayr Aventura, as there is a possibility that we have such material.
  • Medium
  • You don´t have to be any racer or professional biker to join our trip, but we recommend to bring a good fitness level and some previous experience with mountain bike.
  • In the price of each program is included the insurance of assistance with the coverages adapted to its characteristics. Sulayr Aventura has the corresponding Civil Liability Policy with the coverages and amounts required by the regulatory decrees of the sector.
  • Complete information of the insurance conditions and coverages is available to customers.
  • The activities of the programs offered are subject to the conditions of the environment in which they are developed, with the possibility of undergoing changes before or during the course (meteorological, material, personal, derived from the conditions of the country where the trip takes place… ).
  • Participants should inform of any cardiovascular diseases or paraplegia, gestational states, or any other aspect to be taken into account to perform the activity. They promise not to be under the effects of alcohol, drugs and/or any other narcotics or. They have to know how to swim. The minimum age required is in the technical file of each program. Minors must be authorized or accompanied by a responsible person. In any case, and especially for advanced level activities, Sulayr Aventura may choose to perform a previous test and reserve the right of admission.
  • The commitment of Sulayr Aventura begins with the contracted program, so it is the client’s responsibility to transport himself/herself to the place where the program begins. The contract and responsibility of Sulayr Aventura exclusively affect the work of its technicians and collaborators in the organization and development of the programs.
  • The prices are per person and include the direct services indicated by Sulayr Aventura in the technical file of each program.
  • To confirm your reservation, the customer should pay at least 25% of the total amount. The remaining amount must be paid at least 15 days prior to the program start date. In some programs for their special characteristics these percentages or deadlines might be modified; in this case it will be expressly stated in their particular conditions.
  • The customer may withdraw from the contracted services, being entitled to the refund of the amounts paid, but must indemnify Sulayr Aventura in the amounts indicated below:
  • He/she will pay the management fees (€ 50.00), cancellations fees if any, and a penalty consisting of 10% of the total amount of the reservation, if the withdrawal occurs with more than 15 and less than 30 days in advance before the start date of the program; 20% between five and fifteen days, and the total amount of the advance payment within the last four days. The non-presentation on the date and time indicated by Sulayr Aventura will imply the obligation of the client to pay the total amount of the reservation.
  • In case the trip is suspended for reasons unrelated to the clients or because the minimum size of group was not reached, Sulayr Aventura will refund 100% of the paid amount.
  • Since the confirmation of the reservation, the client assumes these General Conditions. In the case that one person registers another, he assumes in his / her name (s) all and each of these General Conditions.
  • Valid passport.
  • It is essential that it does not expire during the 3 months after your entry into Moroccan territory.




May 2018
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